Blackberry Pie & Blackberry Ice Cream for a belated birthday

Coincidences between events and the freezer began last week when I found out that I’d missed the birthday of one of the master gardeners whom I admire. I knew that he is quite fond of my blackberry ice cream and that, between his pie crust and my filling and ice cream, he, his wife and … More Blackberry Pie & Blackberry Ice Cream for a belated birthday

j’s Crookies, Chip Snicks and Cinnamon Toast Snicks

Recently I experimented with some chocolate shard cookies* made with Seattle’s Theo Chocolate bars and froze some of the dough for further experimentation. Last night I made doughs and completed preparations to bake some newbies this morning and deliver up some sweetness and love to my daughter in her office later today. Some people have … More j’s Crookies, Chip Snicks and Cinnamon Toast Snicks

Leftovers = Wednesday White Cake, Lemon Filling, Vanilla Buttercream

There were discussions last week regarding the flavor or flavors for the snowman cake. At one point, there were going to be three round cakes of various sizes and each was to be flavored differently. One of those flavors was white so I began freezing egg whites for it whenever egg was needed for something … More Leftovers = Wednesday White Cake, Lemon Filling, Vanilla Buttercream